
Mill House
DE45 1PZ


Directions from Bakewell

About 1.3 miles along the A6 from Bakewell take the right-hand turn with national speed limit and dead-end signs, which is opposite John Bank Lane and before the main junction to Ashford in the Water.
Cross over the bridge and the entrance is on the left; there is a rising bollard and intercom.

Directions from Buxton

Follow the A6 past the main junction which has a left turning into Ashford-in-the-Water, and take the next left turning about 100 metres on. 
Cross over the bridge and the entrance is on the left; there is a rising bollard and intercom.

Directions from Hassop

There is no access from the road that runs next to the cricket ground. Carry on the A6020 to the T junction with the A6 and turn left, then take the next left turning about 100 metres on. 
Cross over the bridge and the entrance is on the left; there is a rising bollard and intercom.